
Our community is based on dāna, the Buddhist principle of generosity. As part of spreading the Buddha's teachings, we think it's important that we run our centre on the basis of dāna and aim to inspire a culture of giving.

We charge minimal amounts for our activities which we're able to do because so many people generously give money and time to establish and maintain everything we enjoy at the Sydney Buddhist Centre.

Sydney Buddhist Centre and Vijayaloka Buddhist Retreat Centre are operated as one charity registered with the ACNC as Triratna Buddhist Community (Sydney) Incorporated.

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What It Costs

Monthly costs based on spending from our financial year ending June 2024 (3 sf).

While most of our classes, courses and retreats are run by volunteers who aren't paid for the work they do, we employ a small team to handle administration, bookkeeping, cleaning, and some maintenance.

Insurances, legal, and accountancy costs

Everything needed to be operating such as insurances, fees for fire and health safety checks, and accounting costs.

Building works, repairs and maintenance

Includes everything needed to keep the centre and Vijayaloka in good working order and looking beautiful. This includes repairs, building improvements, pest control and grounds maintenance.


Includes all utilities like electricity, gas, garbage disposal, telephone, internet, etc. for both Sydney Buddhist Centre and Vijayaloka.

Kitchen, office and shrine keeping supplies

Includes all our tea and biscuits, cleaning supplies, shrine keeping supplies like flowers, candles and incense, and office stationary and printing costs. Doesn't include retreat food which we take off retreat income.


Includes both online and print advertising which has proven effective for introducing new people to our activities.

Where It Comes From

The majority of our income comes from two sources: the generosity of people who come to the centre who donate either at classes or by regular monthly donations, and income from retreats at Vijayaloka.

We also make additional income from running courses, and from renting out the flat above the centre, and a small amount from bookshops sales and interest.

2024 2023 2022
Donations 104095.75 91409.33 98081.61
Retreats 140234.72 156125.14 96650.95
Hire-out & Rent 60413.64 52560.83 48695.57
Courses 859.50 3575 2149.82
Other 5092.05 2015.57 33836.72
Income from our financial years ending June each year.

How You Can Help

Donations to the Sydney Buddhist Centre are very gratefully accepted. This helps us as a community to continue to offer our ongoing activities, including meditation instruction and encouragement to lead a creative and ethical life.

Donate by Bank Transfer, Card or PayPal

If you would like to provide support the best way to help is by giving a monthly standing donation. You can set this up on our donate page.


There are many ways of practising generosity beyond giving financially. Many people in our community give their time and skills appropriate to their individual circumstances. If you would like to be involved or to know more, please contact us or talk to Cittamaya at the centre.