We're Hiring
10 March 2025Sydney Buddhist Centre is seeking an inspired and skilled mitra or Order member to take on the role of centre manager. This role could be filled by one or more people working part-time (at least 15 hours per week) or one person working full-time.
To find out more or to express interest, please contact Dhammakumāra by the end of April: dhammakumara@sydneybuddhistcentre.org.au
You will own the operations of both the Sydney Buddhist Centre and the Vijayaloka Retreat Centre. This will include tasks such as:
- Creating effective communications and publicity by mailing list, posters, and social media.
- Working with retreat leaders and organisers to facilitating the smooth running of retreats.
- Arranging for and meeting with tradespeople and council/fire safety inspectors when needed at the centre or Vijayaloka.
- Keeping the centre clean, well-stocked, and beautiful.
- Organising volunteers and answering email enquiries.
Compensation & Benefits
- Base wages $32/hr (at full time = $63,232pa + super), negotiable for the right person
- 11.5% superannuation contributions, to increase to 12% on 1 July
- 4 weeks paid time off with 17.5% leave loading, plus flexible unpaid leave
- Retreat allowance
- Flexible combination of remote work and on-site presence
We may be able to sponsor Order members for a visa to move to Australia for up to 2 years. If you are outside Australia and might be interested in a temporary contract under this arrangement, please do not hesitate to reach out to discuss.
As you can imagine, hiring is a stretch for our finances, even with our modest pay levels. If you are not in a position to work with us, but would like to volunteer a few hours to a day per month to support our work, please reach out too.